Principal Message's |
Kusum Public School has stepped into its Silver Jubilee year with standards flying high. We are proud of the achievements of our students and the rapid progress of our institution in all spheres. This school has earned a name for itself in its pursuit of total and wholesome education and its alumni have made their alma mater proud by growing into very responsible citizens and thorough professionals doing yeoman service to Society at large.
This century has seen a total change in the educational scenario. With the influx of myriad forms of technological advancement in this field and otherwise, the youth is bombarded with a multitude of information which needs to be channelized in the proper direction.
Our teachers have been trained to deal effectively with this altered methodology and to be absolutely up to date in this regard and march a step ahead to see that they prepare the students to stand firmly on the global competitive platform and come out with flying colors. In service training is ongoing wherein the teachers are updated and counseled periodically. However, changing the mindset of the teachers, students and parents to accept this conversion has been a colossal effort.
It is our constant endeavor to ensure that the students learn with understanding so the knowledge we impart is not just bookish but with practical and logical application. Personality grooming is an aspect very dear to our hearts and it plays an equally significant role. Hence we emphasize that the children are groomed with civic manners and those of etiquettes and finesse. Seeing a paucity of good leaders we inculcate leadership qualities in our students. Special emphasis is laid on team spirit in the young as competitive spirit of the right kind is a necessity whereas cut throat competition is an evil in itself.
We are grateful to you and look forward to your cooperation in our effort. With your support we shall surely see our aim fructify and our steps leading to excellence. |